Last updated on September 7th, 2023
Quotes and estimates are both important to your business to provide cost information to clients or customers and for your own reference, and both are easy to do with Gojee. These can be generated as a PDF, emailed directly to the client of the job, or shared internally. Gojee gives you the flexibility to customise your invoice to your liking and use Xero branding themes for your company logo. You can choose which line items to show to the customer and which to hide and include as part of a general quote, edit the cost fields directly, and more.
Please note that you will need to configure your branding themes before generating quotes. Please check the Configuring Xero section of the Xero article for more information on how to do this.
An example flow of using Gojee for quotes/estimates:
The quotes/estimates are generated directly from what you use for the job, smoothing out the process of managing what’s necessary and figuring out what you need to tell your clients. For fixed price orders, it is recommended to generate invoices from quotes directly so that they can inherit the line item ordering and descriptions you’ve set up for that quote. Once you’ve approved a quote/estimate, you’ll be able to generate sales orders to give to your staff.
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