Latest Gojee Updates

For construction business owners, inaccurate inventory levels, lack of real-time visibility, and increased risk of errors are common headaches.   Let’s explore how switching to automated inventory management improves the accuracy of records, saves money and storage space, and improves compliance with…
Gojee 4.11 - 2024/07/03 Additions More streamlined process to create single use items. This includes default Xero account pre-selection, advanced options, and ability to edit single use items. Introduced the ability to preselect suppliers and edit supplier information on the BOM…
Running a successful trades business involves juggling tasks like job scheduling, invoicing, customer communication, and inventory management. Too many administrative tasks affect productivity and distract tradies from their core work as electricians, construction managers, plumbers, carpenters, welders, masons, etc.    The right…